For the ancient Egyptians the common scarab beetle, Scarabaeus sacer, was a daily reminder of KHEPRI, the manifestation of the sun god RE in the early morning. Khepri's job was to help the rising Sun journey across the sky each day, and he is often portrayed as a beetle rolling the Sun in front of him. The Egyptians noticed that the scarab beetles rolled balls of dung along the ground, and they saw this as an analogy for the Sun moving across the sky.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Refractor or Reflector, for Deep Sky Photography
If you target for faint deep sky imaging, then you will need a very good quality optics, and these come in two main designs, refractors and reflectors. Refractors are the ones with the main objective lens at the front, reflectors counts on a big light-collecting mirror and come in several different configurations. So here's your first big decision, refractor or reflector, and what size?
Friday, February 8, 2013
Sir Isaac Newton, The big idea
Sir Isaac Newton, an English physicist who created the foundations of modern-day classical mechanics. The core of this was his representation of universal gravitation and explains the existing three laws of motion, which he brought together under a single theory system.